Wednesday, March 18, 2009

names... and a random thought about chapped lips

I like naming things. I just decided that when I buy a new bike I'm going to name it Zippy. It will be a pretty ironic name if I continue to ride as slow as I do now, but the next bike that I buy is going to be an actual expensive light way hardcore cyclist bike, and I rode my friends fancy smancy bike the other day and I think if I could only use one word to describe that experience I'd have to say I felt ZIPPY... those bikes are pretty darned efficient!

Anyway, another name that I recently bequeathed was Herbie ... I felt that was a good name for my cold sore since Herbie kind of sounds like Herpes... and since I get a cold sore in the same spot at least 2-3 times a year I thought it was about time I give it a cute name.

I think I better have a lot of pets before I have kids 'cause there are a ton of names that I like and I don't plan to have a ton of kids, but I wanna be able to give the names out to someone... Nathan for example... I think I will save that name for a child 'cause it just sounds so cute for a baby or you could call him Natie if you wanna make it even more babyish but then when he gets older he can be Nate and that is just a cool sounding name... but if he wants to still be Nathan that still sounds professional and sophisticated for an adult... plus there was a hot guy in one of my classes in high school named Nate and so I assume that any child named Nate or Nathan will grow up to be attractive... and you've really gotta do all you can to ensure that your kids have every advantage in life so I think I owe it to my son (if he should ever come to exist) to name him Nathan.

Another of my favorite boy names is Tavis. Ever since I heard that one of the trumpet players in Reel Big Fish was named Tavis I was blown away by the coolness of that name. It is almost a common name (Travis... which is a crappy name that I hate by the way) and yet it is so unique. I bet a child named Tavis would get his name mispronounced and mispelled ( spell check has just informed me that I MISSPELLED "mispelled" but I think that's kinda funny so I'm gong to leave it) all the time though so I am thinking maybe Tavis is a good dog or cat name... although I tend to like to give pets names that are descriptive of their physical appearance or personality. Misty, my cat, is so named because she is a long haired gray cat and her fur kind of resembles a mist surrounding her body... I wanted to just name her Mist but my ex boyfriend who I was dating at the time when I got her said that was a lame name, so now, even though he is no longer in my life, he is still keeping my cat from having a slightly cooler name than she otherwise would have...

For girls I like the name Chase and Corsica. I think if I have a daughter i will name her Chase though... or maybe Chaise... yeah I think with the I is better. I like that name 'cause I've always liked androgynous names for girls I think it makes them more mysterious or something, but yeah it just appeals to me for some reason it just sits well for me, but I can't think of any chicks I've ever known named Chaise... maybe it was a character in a movie or something... The name Chase for a boy doesn't have an affect on me one way or another though. I knew a guy in college named Chase and he was really cool, but I wouldn't name my first born after him.

There are Tons of other names that I like but I can't think of any others right now... oh I do think my brother and Nicole picked an excellent name for their daughter, Bailey, its a very pretty girl name I think and its also a bit androgynous so she will grow up to be cool and mysterious a little. So that's good that I'll have a cool niece. My cousin's son is named Brek and I really like that name too. Its very unique but it has a good strong sound to it and stuff... so yup, good names in my family. The next generation will be full of cool kids!

by the way why (this is totally unrelated to the rest of this blog and might be better suited as a status update on face book... or perhaps just a random comment to through into a conversation, but here I am typing so I'll just throw it out there...) why is it that sucking it up and wait until your lips heal themselves is better than the best chapstick on the market ? Chapstick and carmex and lipstick and lip gloss and all of those things just seem to make your lips feel better for about 15 minutes and then they dry up worse than ever and crack and bleed until you put more stuff on them... but if you just leave your lips untreated they may get chapped every once and a while, but ultimately you will experience much longer periods of soft managbleness than you will with the products... why is it so hard to make a long lasting unharmful lip moisturizing product?


Unknown said...

If you would describe your friends bike as zippy, shouldn't that be your friends bike's name? I think that you should wait until you sit on your new bike to name it, so you can make sure it feels right for that bike. Also don't let your new bike read this blog, since then it may always grow up worrying about comparing itself to your friends bike.

Unknown said...

Oh, and I'm glad you approve of the name Bailey. When is Nate coming so that Bailey will have a playmate?

Unknown said...

I've also known two really hot Nates. Although I usually don't link hotness to a name, but I suppose in this case there is evidence to support your theory.

Unknown said...

But you don't think that the Nate on One Tree Hill is hot, so ...

Unknown said...

But that's a character's name, so that doesn't really count. And I don't really think he's ugly, he's just not hot.

Jillian said...

Yeah I might change my mind about my bikes name when I actually get it... but I dont think its my place to name Vika's bike... I'll be sure not to let my bike read my blog though... I'm probably going to keep it chained up in the garage... I think that will give it nice and strong self esteem... I looked up Nate from One Tree Hill by the way and I'd say hes a pretty good looking guy so I think the attractiveness of "Nate" still stands

Unknown said...

To me he seems good looking, it was Nicole that didn't like him.